Metal-Free Crowns

Home Metal-Free Crowns

Metal-Free-CrownsMetal-free crowns are a kind of aesthetic restorations made of ceramic. In the past, the crowns were made of metal as it was considered the strongest material, but they didn’t look natural. On the contrary, the metal-free crowns made of ceramic are used to restore the functionality of cracked, broken or missing teeth. The new metal-free crowns eliminate all the problems and discomfort that you experience with metal caps. Moreover, it makes teeth look more natural and are a healthy replacement.

Why You Need Metal-Free Crowns?

With growing age, teeth begin to change and prone to decay. If your teeth are damaged from decay, broken down, weak from large old fillings, or they are beyond to repair using the filling material, a full crown is an ideal solution to save the tooth.

Benefits Of Ceramic Crowns

  • Cosmetic Beauty: The non-metal crowns are designed to matching the size and shade of your original teeth.
  • No Dark Line: The ceramic crown will not display any dark line on your gums that often occurs due to metal crown.
  • Non-Allergic: As the ceramic crowns are made of a bio-compatible material, it lowers the risk of allergic reactions and gum irritation.

By conducting regular dental checkups, we allow early detection of potential dental problems that may turn into complex concerns if left untreated.

How Do We Help With Metal-Free Crowns?

At afflux dentistry, our dentist will remove the decay and shape your tooth to get a crown. We’ll take an impression of your tooth to determine how your teeth fit together. At that time, a temporary crown will be fitted while the permanent metal-free crown will be constructed.

On your second visit, your temporary crown will be taken off, and the new crown will be cemented in the place restoring the tooth to natural appearance, function and strength.

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